
Escalation Protocol

Escalation Protocol

The Integrated SEND Service endeavours to always work with you to support all of our children and young people in Buckinghamshire to achieve the best possible outcomes.  We pride ourselves on our service ambition, and strive to achieve excellent service, through working in partnership with all other professionals, and children and families.

If you feel that the service is not supporting the delivery of outcomes in the way that it should, you can escalate your concerns using the following procedure.

Step 1

Contact your designated Education, Health and Care Co-ordinator (EHCCo).  You can find the most up-to-date list on our Local Offer by clicking the link below.

Buckinghamshire SEND Local Offer - EHC Coordinators

Their email is their

If your concern is still not addressed to your satisfaction, you can escalate the issue to a more senior member of staff.

Step 2

Your first point of contact should be to speak to the relevant member of staff directly. If this isn't possible or you feel you need to discuss your concerns with a more senior member of staff, please contact:

Hannah Morgan
Senior Specialist Teacher Lead - Hearing Support and Multi-Sensory Impairment 
Line manager of the Specialist Teachers in HS and MSI Teams

Nicola Davidson
Senior Specialist Teacher Lead – Vision Impairment and Physical Disabilities Teams
Line manager of the Specialist Teachers in VI and PD Teams and for the ICT Facilitator

Step 3

If you still consider that your concerns have not been addressed, the iSEND Area Team Managers are:

Christine Preston
Phone: 01296 674707

Chiltern & South Buckinghamshire
Matthew Oliver
Phone: 01296 531011

Alex Potts
Phone: 01296 531055

Step 4

If you still consider your concern unresolved, you can escalate this to the Interim Head of SEND Operations, Hayley Baverstock. However, please note that if the escalation process has not been fully followed, this may need to be passed to a member of staff within the team that can address your concern more effectively.

Phone: 01494 475995

Step 5 

If you still consider your concerns have not been resolved by the Head of SEND Operations, then please contact Caroline Marriott, Head of Service.



Buckinghamshire Council Policy

We always endeavour to work with you and promote achieving solutions to difficult situations through a joined-up approach.  Should you wish to make a formal complaint, however, you can do so by clicking on the link below and following the Buckinghamshire Council policy.


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