
UN 2019 Topic - Addressing Violent Extremism

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The Member States of the United Nations consistently, unequivocally and strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.

The poisonous spread of violent extremism has greatly troubled the international community over the last several years. Violent extremist groups are posing a direct assault on the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and are undermining our efforts to maintain peace and security, foster sustainable development, promote the respect for human rights and deliver much needed humanitarian aid.

In recent years, terrorist groups such as ISIL, Al-Qaida and Boko Haram have shaped our image of violent extremism and the debate about how to address this threat. Their message of intolerance – religious, cultural, social – has had drastic consequences for many regions of the world. Holding territory and using social media for real-time communication of their atrocious crimes, they seek to challenge our shared values of peace, justice and human dignity.

On September 8th 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 60/288 and the United Nations Counter Terrorism Strategy came into force. The Strategy recognizes that there are four Pillars which need to be addressed if the international community is to end the threat of violent extremism around the world; Pillar One addresses the need to change the conditions that lead to the spread of violent extremism.

We resolve to undertake the following measures aimed at addressing the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, including but not limited to foreign occupation; oppression; violations of human rights; ethnic, national and religious discrimination; political exclusion; socio-economic marginalization; extreme poverty; lack of opportunities, while recognizing that none of these conditions can excuse or justify acts of terrorism.

Profile Papers, Position Papers, Media papers and photos are available on request.

Addressing Violent Extremism Award winners

As part of the UN Conference on addressing violent extremism the following award winners were:

Best Position Paper (Country)

  • Winner - USA
  • Commendation - Libya & Italy

Best Media Coverage Preparation

  • Winner - Russia Today
  • Commendation - Fox News

Bucks MUN Award

  • Winner - Chad
  • Commendation - The Netherlands

Best Foreign Affairs Correspondent

  • Winner - Fox News
  • Commendation - France 24

Outstanding Diplomacy and Advocacy

  • Winner - India
  • Commendation - Belgium

Public Speaking Award

  • Winner - Indonesia
  • Commendation - Nigeria

Driving Force

  • Winner - Keira Dickinson, Crystal Stevens, Lily Marley

Best Spanish Team

  • Winner - Finland

Best French Team

  • Winner - Sweden
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