
Understanding Governance

Here you will find a wealth of information, useful for both those new to the role and for those with experience. Information is always being updated as we respond to the ever-changing educational landscape.


Types of school
Maintained schools, academies, MATs etc.

Types of governor
There are many different types of governor, including staff, parent, LA and foundation governors

Most governing boards establish committees to assist in carrying out their work and may delegate some governing board functions to these committees.

Governor roles
Most governors are allocated specific roles, from finance or equalities to performance review and the Chair. Information about these roles is available in this area.

New Governor Guide
We have pulled together useful resources, both from with Buckinghamshire Council and beyond, to support you in your new role.

The DfE
The Department for Education is responsible for education, children’s services, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England, and equalities.

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