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Traded Services packages

To find out more about our services please visit the Bucks Traded services website.

View our latest price lists Including new 2024-25 prices and the Service Level agreements.



Schools Bulletin

Visit the bulletin for:

  • Action-required articles are always at the top

  • The latest articles are at the top of the main list of articles so you can easily see anything new

  • There is now a 'Monday roundup', which shows all articles published since the last roundup

Schools Bulletin

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Admin & legal

Advice ranging from insurance to contracts and services.

Admin and Legal

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Model policies and guidance to procedures in one place

  • Behaviour and welfare 

  • Employee responsibilities 

  • Governance

  • Health, safety, resources


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Apprenticeships are available for bringing in new talent, and to train existing staff.

HR Zone

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The new toolkit provides detailed guidance around many specific areas from bullying to child protection case conferencese-safety and mental health.


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The SEND and Inclusion area includes SEND support information and EHC plan guidance and templates.

There is also funding information and there are links to the new Local Offer pages.

There are dedicated areas for each hub - Aylesbury, Chiltern & South Bucks, and Wycombe, where you can find details of their offers and who to contact.

View our new SEND and inclusion area

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