
The Buckinghamshire Challenge Handbook

The Buckinghamshire Challenge Handbook

Addressing Disadvantage in Buckinghamshire

The Buckinghamshire Challenge has been a collaborative three-year programme, led by Marc Rowland of Unity Research School and governed by The Buckinghamshire Challenge Board, to collectively upskill schools in the latest research and understanding and to support schools to undertake the cultural changes that will make the biggest differences to all pupils, but especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged.

We hope that you are inspired by the handbook, that you feel empowered to start making changes and that you will commit to sharing the learning throughout your school. 

In order to facilitate this we are offering several workshops and conferences throughout the year:  

Bucks Challenge Universal Offer Workshop 1

Myth Busting – Practical Application of the Challenge Handbook

Wed 1st November, 4-5pm on Teams

For - All teachers, TAs, PP Leads, Pastoral Leads, CPD Leads and Senior Leaders

Presentation    Recording

Bucks Challenge Universal Offer Conference 1

Tue 28th November 1.30 – 4pm at Weston Turville Golf Club

Practical Application of the Challenge Handbook in the Classroom

For - Middle Leaders and Classroom Practitioners


Bucks Challenge Universal Offer Workshop 2

Tue 6th February, 4-5pm on Teams

The Pastoral and Attendance Challenge

For – All teachers, TAs, PP Leads, Pastoral Leads, CPD Leads and Senior Leaders

Presentation    Recording

Bucks Challenge Universal Offer Conference 2

Tue 12th March 1.30 – 4pm The Gateway, Aylesbury

Implementation – Putting Evidence to Work

For – Headteachers and Senior Leaders

Naureen Kausar Presentation

NK Bucks Challenge Conference.pdf

Thomas McMorrin Presentation

 Whitehawk - Transforming Schools.pdf

Tiff Harris Presentation

 TH Presentation.pdf

Marc Rowland Presentation

MR Presentation .pdf

Bucks Challenge Universal Offer Workshop 3

Tue 21st May, 4-5pm on Teams

The Parental Involvement Challenge

For - All teachers, TAs, PP Leads, Pastoral Leads, CPD Leads and Senior Leaders



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