
Toolkits and policies

Toolkits and policies

Recruitment of ex-offenders

All employers must treat Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check applicants who have a criminal record fairly and should not discriminate because of a conviction or other information revealed.

Sample policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders DOCX, 70.5KB


Safer recruitment training

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 states that:

The School Staffing (England) Regulations 200956 and the Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Application of Enactments) (England) Regulations 200757 require governing bodies of maintained schools and management committees of pupil referral units (PRUs) to ensure that at least one of the persons who conducts an interview has completed safer recruitment training. Governing bodies of maintained schools and management committees of PRUs may choose appropriate training and may take advice from the safeguarding partners in doing so.

  1. This requirement became effective at 1 January 2010.
  2. There is not a statutory obligation to 'renew' or 'refresh' this training although schools may consider that having “refresher” training for relevant staff (e.g. every five years) would be beneficial.
  3. The Department for Education (DfE) previously ran accredited courses (by accredited trainers) which meant delegates attending those courses were deemed to have met the requirements of the above Regulations. Subsequently, the 'Safer Recruitment Consortium' (SRC) replaced the DfE in running those courses.  The Buckinghamshire Council 'Safeguarding in Employment Team' runs accredited SRC courses on a regular basis.  Alternatively, the NSPCC has an online safer recruitment in education e-learning course which covers exactly the same material as the SRC Course and which also provides accreditation.  


Guidance for safer working practice

Visit to view their guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings.


Buckinghamshire Council sample policy on secure storage DBS Certificates

BC sample policy on secure storage DBS certificates 


Other guidance

Safeguarding Code of Conduct 

BC Confidentiality Statement 2022 (Download)

Minimum Safer Recruitment Standards

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