Health and safety
Our Health and safety Team provide a comprehensive advice and support service to help you to fulfil your legal duties in relation to health and safety matters. The team has wide experience in dealing with health and safety in all types of schools including the provision of health and safety information and training, accident investigation and auditing.
Email: healthandsafety@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Phone: 01296 674 412
7th Floor, County Hall, Walton St, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ
A full list of health and safety policies including:
Health, medical & welfare issues
Employees of maintained schools are responsible for reporting any health and safety incidents or issues to their Manager, Headteacher or Supervisor.
For the purpose of AssessNet; an incident will encompass "everything that happened during an event”.
As well as the annual programme, a number of training courses can be run in-house on request and can be delivered as part of an INSET day or as a twilight session.
Course dates and course details are available in this area.
Comprehensive Core package including
Radiation services
Health and Safety Consultancy Service
Risk assessment is a legal requirement for all employers and the cornerstone of good health and safety management.
A number of generic risk assessments have been produced which can be amended to suit local circumstances.
Employers have a duty to make sure a workstation assessment is carried out for all employees.
Find out what you should be checking, how to avoid the risks, and read our display screen policy.
Guidance and training for supporting pupils with medical conditions at your school.