Support Services
Support Services
Concerns about weight
Obesity is on the increase and if a child is obese now they are more likely to become an obese adult, which could lead to illness and disease. If you know your own height and weight you can work out your Body Mass Index (BMI), which can give you an idea of where your weight puts you and whether you may be overweight. BMI is the scale used for the National Child Measurement Programme which takes place annually in schools.
Obesity can result in diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and many other illnesses so it is always a good idea to get checked out by your doctor. You should also try your best to combine a balanced diet with regular exercise. Eating more fruit and vegetables along with slow-release carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread and potatoes will help you feel full whilst keeping calories down.
There is support available in Buckinghamshire for children and young people that are overweight or obese.
1 in 3 children in Buckinghamshire is currently overweight or very overweight, and for these children and their families MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it!) is a fun way to learn about becoming fit and healthy.
Be Healthy Bucks
The Be Healthy Bucks website has all kinds of useful healthy lifestyle resources under their ‘Get inspired’ page. Be Healthy Bucks offers their free award-winning programme Beezee Families to help children build healthy habits around food and exercise.
They offer 12 weeks of family-focused sessions, packed with practical advice and lots of fun activities to get involved in. The sessions can be attended in-person or online. You can also enroll in their Academy to learn about healthier habits at your own pace.
Sign up now to find out more