
Health services training and support

Health services training and support

Children and young people’s therapies

Advice and support regarding Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy needs is available without the need for a referral from Buckinghamshire Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapy service.

Advice sessions and webinars can be accessed by all families and education staff.


CAMHS Mental Health Training for professionals

PPEPCare has been designed to help staff in primary care and education to recognise and understand mental health difficulties in children and young people and offer appropriate support and guidance to children, young people and their families using psycho-education and relevant psychological techniques (e.g. using a cognitive behavioural framework).

The Bucks PPEP Care Training Catalogue provides further details of the training offered.

Training schedule

  • TBC

If you would like to attend any of the sessions or are interested in other PPEP modules please email

Requesting specific training

If you feel that any specific training would be beneficial to your setting, please let us know by emailing with details and we'll do our best to accommodate this.

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