Support from specialist teachers
Last updated:The team of Hearing Support Specialist Teachers work with Children and Young People 0 to 25 years with or without Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) in homes, mainstream schools (maintained and academies), some non-maintained nurseries, some specialist provision and in some colleges.
Who the service provides for
Support is provided for children and young people who have a diagnosed hearing loss and meet the criteria according to the NatSIP Eligibility Framework. A medical referral is required from relevant medical professionals.
Support may include:
- Support with parents/carers/settings/schools to help them understand the implications of a hearing loss
- Help to develop a child’s listening skills
- Support with language development and communication
- Help to explain audiological information and liaise with audiology
- Monitor and record progress with written reports as necessary
- Contribute to annual review, review meetings and multi-professional meetings
- Loan of specialist equipment as appropriate
- Provide training and advice on maintenance and management of specialist equipment
- Input into SEN support plans
- Provide advice on the acoustic environment
- Work with the child/young person as appropriate
- Liaise with other professional services and agencies
- Provide opportunities for parents/carers to meet and share experiences at pre-school groups
- Advice and support at setting/school transfer
- Advice on classroom management strategies
- Support to ensure access to the curriculum
- Observe in the classroom to support and inform inclusive practice
- Work closely with the class teachers to assess children's educational needs
Contact Specialist Teachers
Telephone: 01494 475199
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD):
Buckinghamshire Hearing Support Specialist Teachers do not currently provide direct support for children and young people who have APD and normal levels of hearing.
If a deaf child also has been diagnosed with APD, we are able to provide our usual levels of support.
Aimed at practitioners the Local Area Position Statement for APD is designed to improve the consistency of approach amongst professionals and reduce uncertainty for families.