Virtual school training
Virtual school training
Why we offer training:
Buckinghamshire Virtual School offers training for schools alongside our partners in the local authority. We aim to provide schools with an understanding of some of the main challenges faced by vulnerable children and their families, while suggesting some practical strategies to support this cohort. The Virtual School recognises that schools are a safe a haven for our vulnerable pupils. We aim to provide training, advice and guidance which will benefit all pupils on role, while creating more inclusive environments for our vulnerable children.
Training for 2024:
This training schedule has been informed by schools via their responses to a published survey and via discussions with local alternative providers.
Supporting Children and Young People with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
This training will address the facts and myths about FASD.
Designated Teacher Induction
This training will give new Designated Teachers an overview of their role and responsibilities.
23.10.24 or 05.02.25 or 20.05.25
Supporting Children and Young People with Attachment Difficulties
Gain an overview of attachment theory and the importance of early intervention.
Supporting & Promoting the mental health & wellbeing of children with social workers
This course will explore some of the mental health issues likely to be experienced by vulnerable children and young people.