Last updated:This grouping includes those who whose current need is support to maintain wellbeing through effective prevention and promotion strategies. 80% of children and young people will be in this grouping at any time.
- What policies and initiatives do you have in place that support emotional wellbeing for staff?
- To what extent are partnerships developed between staff and pupils to design, implement, and evaluate the school's approaches to supporting mental health?
- Is the Senior Mental Health Lead aware of resources to support a whole school approach to emotional wellbeing and mental health e.g. Mentally Healthy Schools, Anna Freud Centre?
- Is the Senior Menta Health Lead aware of local and national services and quality resources to support emotional wellbeing and mental health?
- Do you work collaboratively with other schools in supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of your pupils?
- How do you systematically measure and assess pupils' mental health e.g., by using surveys or questionnaires?
- What support is in place to manage key transitions throughout the school year?
- Do you have student-led wellbeing initiatives such as peer mentoring and mental health ambassadors?
- Do we have special interest groups for students to have their voices heard - e.g. wellbeing?
- Does the school website have a dedicated area for wellbeing for pupils?
- Are parents surveyed for their views on emotional wellbeing?
- Are parents aware of the work we do around emotional wellbeing?
- Are parents invited to meetings about emotional wellbeing?
- Do we include information about emotional wellbeing in our welcome literature for new pupils/parents?
- Does the school website have information signposting support for families?
- Are parents aware of who the school wellbeing lead and designated safeguarding leads are?
- Are events ever held for parents about managing their children’s emotional wellbeing? (Either in person or virtually).
- Are efforts made to understand and overcome barriers to engagement for parents and carers?
- Are staff confident in tackling negative comments about mental health? Including from colleagues and parents?
- Do displays address wellbeing and mental health and are these kept up to date and in good condition?
- Does your school library offer both fiction and non-fiction books about wellbeing and mental health?
- How do different aspects of the school day contribute towards a sense of good wellbeing?
- How does the school environment support mental health and emotional wellbeing?
- Does the wellbeing governor come into school to talk to staff and pupils about wellbeing?
- Are members of SLT confident in talking to staff about their wellbeing?
- Is staff wellbeing in incorporated in SLT and governor roles?
- Does the school have members of staff who are trained in peer supervision?
- Which policies within your school link to the importance of mental health and wellbeing?
- Does the behaviour policy reflect that pupil emotional wellbeing and mental have an impact on behaviour? Do we utilise trauma informed approaches?