
Using the audit tool

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Step 1: Decide which members of staff will be involved in the completion of the tool. It is recommended that this is completed by Senior Mental Health Leads in collaboration with other members of staff, SLT and Headteachers.

Step 2: Begin by using the reflective questions in this manual to consider the school’s current provision across all five areas of the i-Thrive model. There are more questions in this manual than there are in the audit tool as this may help you to start thinking more broadly around each area. Note down any gaps and begin to consider areas for development.

Step 3: Use the audit tool’s traffic light system to score each statement from 1 to 5.

Step 4: Develop your school Action Plan to decide next steps for each area, designate responsibilities and specify a target date for completion. If your school has a Mental Health Support Team (MHST), your MHST can work with you on your action plan. If your school does not have an MHST and you would like to discuss your action plan further, you can contact your Lead Educational Psychologist.

Step 5: Agree on a date when you will come together to reassess and repeat the cycle.

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