In partnership with Equaliteach we are pleased to offer schools a new model policy that can be adapted to your setting.
This model policy includes sections on Fulfilling your public sector equality duty, Guidance and a template for setting your Equality Objectives and Action plan and An Equality Impact Assessment form.
For more information on Equalities, if you have any queries regarding issues, or require training in your organisation contact:
Yvette Thomas -Equalities and School Improvement Manager
Email: yvette.thomas@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01296 382461
Information and support to help prevent bullying.
Information relating to dealing with discrimination against people with disabilities.
resources and information to help tackle issues around gender and sexual orientation discrimination
resources and information on tackling these sensitive topics in education
Information on Internet Safety including resources
Information around the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.
Resources to support schools to help tackle this sensitive topic.
Information for delegates, members of the International Media, NGO representatives and faculty advisers.
Resources and presentations from the schools linking network
Erasmus+ allows Buckinghamshire to link with other countries in Europe to gain a better understanding of their working practices and cultures and to share good practice.
Click here to find out what Awards around equalities your school could accomplish or qualify for...