
Level 1 Universal Needs

Level 1 Universal Needs

Universal services can be accessed by all families in Buckinghamshire. There is no need for a referral.


The Buckinghamshire Family Information Service

  • Our website provides information and advice on a range of topics:
    • Childcare and Early Years
    • Bucks SEND Local Offer
    • Things to Do
    • Education and Learning
    • Advice and Support
    • Youthspace
    • Family Centre support
  • The directory signposts to local services who can help, local activities, childcare, and things to do.
  • Our team of Information and Outreach Officers are available by phone, email and out and about in the community. You can contact them by telephone at 01296 383 293 or email


Family Centre Plus Drop-in Support

Our three Family Centre Plus sites are open from 9 am to 5:30 pm every weekday. Our experienced family workers are available to offer informal advice and guidance. If they prefer, families can email or call the centres.

Young People are welcome to drop in to our Family Centre Plus sites at any time. They can come and let us know what is going on from their perspective and we can explore the next steps of support with them. 

Family Centre Plus Drop-In support 


Family Centres

Our Family Centres around the county have a regular timetable of activities delivered both by the Family Hub teams and our many Early Help partners.

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