

Outside workforce including volunteers

Volunteers, contractors, supply teachers, governors, lettings...

When employing agency or third-party staff, schools should ensure they receive written confirmation from the hiring agency or organisation that all necessary checks have been completed.


Schools should ensure that any contractor or any employee of the contractor, who is to work at the school has:

  • been subject to the appropriate level of DBS check (where that is necessary or appropriate)
  • adequate supervision is in place whilst on the premises

View our information about DBS Checks for Contractors in Schools.

Supply teachers from agencies

The responsibility for obtaining safer employment vetting checks lies with the relevant agency.

Schools should obtain a written notification, via a 'letter of assurance', from any agency or third party organisation hired that they have carried out all required checks.

A school is responsible for carrying out the necessary ID checks for a supply teacher when first starting at a school i.e. 'that a person is who that person says/he is.'

Those ID details must be noted on the SCR and cross-referenced with a ‘letter of assurance’ from an agency to confirm that the other vetting checks have been undertaken by that agency.

Letter of Assurance (Download)

Buckinghamshire Council children's services staff visiting educational settings

The Letter of Assurance from John Macilwraith, Corporate Director of Children’s Services, provides the required confirmation for educational settings, on behalf of children’s services, that all staff working in this area have completed all the appropriate recruitment and vetting checks. 

Educational settings are not required to ask for further evidence from relevant staff from the children’s services who are visiting or working in schools concerning those checks.

Please retain a copy of this Letter of Assurance which should be cross-referenced to the relevant staff from children’s services, where appropriate, on the Single Central Record. 

Letter of Assurance 2024 (Download)

Visitors to educational settings (including relevant staff from children’s services) should be asked to provide their council photo ID to confirm proof of identity. 

All visitors should be asked to sign in and out at reception.


Volunteers in schools who are unsupervised will require a DBS Check with Barred List Check as they are regarded as being in 'regulated activity'. 

Visit DBS checks for volunteers in schools (SchoolsWeb) for further information. 

Work experience

A DBS check is only required for someone undertaking work experience if:

  • they are aged 16 or over
  • a placement will involve regular contact with children or vulnerable adults

Visit DBS checks for work experience placements (SchoolsWeb) for further information.

Trainee or student-teacher placements

Please refer to the guide for information on DBS Checks for trainee teachers who are:

  • fee-funded
  • who are salaried by the school
  • starting a work placement prior to receipt of DBS clearance

Visit DBS checks for trainee or student teachers (SchoolsWeb) for further information. 

The hiring of school premises

Any school or academy considering hiring out or leasing its premises must consider whether a hirer complies (where relevant) with the:

  • DBS Code of Practice
  • Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board’s safeguarding requirements

Where relevant, a hirer must obtain appropriate DBS checks.

A hirer must keep appropriate records in line with the DBS Code of Practice and advise the school of any safeguarding concerns which may arise about any of its:

  • employees
  • volunteers
  • visitors
  • speakers

A hirer will be required to provide evidence when requested, that DBS Checks have been carried out.

Schools may wish to use the attached Hiring Request and Certificate of Assurance Template.

This information is applicable for Safeguarding in Employment only. Visit Premises and property | SchoolsWeb for information and guidance relating to the maintenance of premises.

Safeguarding in Employment Hiring Request and Certificate of Assurance (Download) 

Alternative provision

Where a school places a pupil with an “alternative provision provider” (e.g. a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)) then a school continues to be responsible for the safeguarding of that pupil (paragraph 326-327 Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

A school should obtain written confirmation from an alternative provider that appropriate safeguarding checks have been carried out on individuals working at the establishment (i.e. those checks that a school would otherwise perform in respect of its staff)

Buckinghamshire Council's Safeguarding in Employment Team has developed a template that can be sent to the alternative provision provider for completion and return. A copy of the letter should be retained in the school’s local files.

Template Letter of Assurance – Alternative Provision

Children staying with host families (homestay)

Where a school or college arranges a homestay it should identify which adult(s) will be responsible for the visiting child during the stay. Schools and colleges should use their professional judgement in deciding what intelligence will best inform their assessment of the suitability of these adults.

To help inform that assessment, schools and colleges should obtain a DBS Enhanced Check, including a Barred List Check, for whichever adult(s) are primarily responsible for a visiting child.

Example: Where the family is well-known to the school or college and has confidence in the care that is being offered, the adult primarily responsible for the care of the visiting child may be the only adult for which a DBS Enhanced Check (including a Barred List Check) is obtained.

In family settings that are less well known to a school, then a DBS Enhanced Check, including a Barred List Check, may be obtained for more or all of the adults in the family. Professional judgement alongside all other intelligence will inform this assessment.

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