
Recruitment of new employees

Recruitment of new employees

Recruitment focuses on the recruitment of apprentices and new starters. The recruitment and retention toolkit helps schools with the process from defining their recruitment needs to shortlisting, through to the offer, induction and later, the retention of staff. Additionally, there is information on creating an advertisement on the Buckinghamshire Council website.

Recruitment service

Recruitment focuses on relevant statutory information, such as IR35 compliance and the legal framework for recruitment and selection. 

New starters

This section helps with the setting up of a new starter, which includes statutory pre-employment checks.

Right to work

Included in this guide is a Sponsorship Service offer, which gives schools the legal information on how to sponsor a worker and the expected costs and time an application will take.

Sponsorship Service offer guide

Support with sponsorship if the position is eligible for a skilled worker visa via Buckinghamshire Council sponsorship licence.

Recruitment and retention toolkit

How to advertise a position on the Buckinghamshire Council webpage and how to recruit and retain workers in the recruitment and retention toolkit.

Safeguarding in employment

Our Disclosure Barring Service guide for outside workers as well as further guidance for applicants who have lived abroad. Additionally, it offers information for academies, as well as further vetting checks that schools should take note of when recruiting new staff.


This detailed guide looks at creating and recruiting apprenticeships, in our handy guide, which also includes apprenticeship levies for maintained schools.


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