Charging and remissions
Charging and remissions (statutory)
Applies to
Maintained schools, academies, and free schools.
Governing boards are required to have a policy on charging for additional educational activities (eg music tuition), and on remissions of charges.
Governing board free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the head teacher (local recommendation is delegation to the Finance Committee).
Review frequency - governing board free to determine (recommended annually).
Local guidance
Charging and Remissions Policy for Educational Activities
DfE guidance
Charging for School Activities Guidance
Academies - Applies directly to academies and free schools via their funding agreements
Maintained schools - Education Act 1996, section 457.
Education (Residential Trips) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (England) Regulations 2003, SI 2003/381.
The School Information (England) Regulations 2008 (as amended).
Also see school charging advice
It is a requirement to publish this information on the school’s website.