School Improvement & Equalities
Welcome to Buckinghamshire Council School Improvement.
Education is a fast-paced and dynamic profession, ever changing and innovating. We recognise that, as leaders, teachers and education professionals, your focus is the children and young people in your care.
We understand that:
We are here to support you.
We know that delivering the best possible educational outcomes for children is your main priority and the importance of having the right support in place for your school is paramount.
Click here for the Headteacher handbook. This will have information for each department that falls under Children's Services within Buckinghamshire Council. Please note that this is a live document and will be updated when required.
We want to work in partnership with you.
We are passionate about children getting the best education and all our services are driven by this common purpose that we share with you, measured by the success of your school and the progress of your pupils. We understand the complexities of the schools’ market and the issues that schools face every day.
Whether you are looking for help with school improvement, wish to improve the efficiency of running your school or simply need to ensure your pupils’ safety on a school trip we are here to help.
Information on the Side by Side programme in Buckinghamshire.
This is a model for a local school improvement system. Building on established, strong relationships to enable schools, to work collaboratively to support county wide school improvement.
Promoting the health and wellbeing of children and young people is extremely important in order to provide them with a good start in life, equipping them with the resilience and skills they need to flourish.
These pages provide resources on teaching about health and wellbeing, including topics like substance misuse, sexual health and smoking.
These pages provide information on PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic education.
PSHE gives children and young people the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, safe, successful and purposeful lives.
Information on organising educational visits and developing outdoor learning in schools.
Information on SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) The aim of SACRE is to provide an RE syllabus that will reflect the local position regarding faith and non faith groups in Buckinghamshire
Information for ECT's along with upcoming training and support sessions for schools across Buckinghamshire.
Learn how to become part of BASL ( Buckinghamshire Academy for School Leadership) a network of head teachers providing support, advice and professional development.
Raising Educational Attainment for Disadvantaged Children in Buckinghamshire