SEND and Inclusion
Integrated SEND Service (iSEND)
Professional Portal
SEND funding for schools
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
SEND and inclusion toolkits
EHCP Annual Reviews
Health Services
Early Years SEND and Inclusion
Support and Graduated Approach
Local Area SEND Improvement
Sufficiency for SEND
Projects for young people with SEND
The Parent’s Portal by Autism Early Support
SEND Training for parents, carers, and professionals
Our iSEND Service Ambition
Our service is striving to:
- achieve the best outcomes for our children and young people.
- put wellbeing and care at the centre of our service so we can deliver for our children and young people.
- communicate well with our children, young people, families and partners.
- be creative with our support for children and young people.
- proactively support our children, young people and families.
- be aspirational for what our children and young people can achieve.
- work in partnership with others to provide an inclusive Buckinghamshire offer for children and young people with SEND.
SEND and Inclusion for schools and professionals in Bucks
To achieve the aims outlined in our Buckinghamshire Local Area SEND and Inclusion Strategy, we must all work together. SEND is everyone’s business. Building both strategic and operational partnerships with families, settings, and professionals across the domains of education, health and care is paramount.
Our service works collaboratively with Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, and EHC Coordinators, and the impact of this integrated model of working has been recognised as best practice at a national level.
iSEND Service Communication Policy
Our iSEND Service Communications policy is intended to promote communication in an environment of fluid change. The ISEND Senior Leadership Team (SLT) encourages openness in sharing information with colleagues and are committed to consulting with staff on a regular basis. This has included the development of this policy, considering all ideas put forward from members of the ISEND Service.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer)
Our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Local Offer sets out the support available in Buckinghamshire for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with SEND.
Post-16 options for young people with SEND