
EHC Needs Assessments and template letters

EHC Needs Assessments and template letters

Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment

If parents and the professionals who support a child believe she or he requires support which is over and above that ordinarily available from mainstream resources, a request may be made for an EHC Needs Assessment.

The request will usually be made by the education setting, but parents can make the request themselves.

If parents wish to make the request, we will need to contact the child’s education setting to find out what support they have provided, what effect that support has had, and the child’s rate of improvement. All requests are carefully considered and take into account all support provided so far and how your child has responded to that support. Within 6 weeks of a request being received by the Integrated SEND Service, you will be informed whether or not an assessment will be carried out.

Guidance on how to write EHC Needs Assessments (for schools)

iSEND Support Line

The support line has been developed to make it easier for you to make contact with the iSEND teams and is open to parents and carers of any child or young person with a SEND need as well as schools and professionals. Your call will be answered by a Specialist Teacher, an EHC Co-ordinator (EHCCo) or an Educational Psychologist.

What does this service offer for schools and professionals?

  • Single point of contact with Buckinghamshire iSEND Education Teams
  • Special, Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), information, advice and signposting.
  • Brief consultation and access to iSEND services

When can I contact?

The phone line is open Monday to Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm term time and reduced hours during the holiday periods.

It is also open on Tuesdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.

How do I make contact?

Phone: 01296 382135 

Template letters for schools, parents, carers and young people to request an EHC assessment

For Schools

Form to request an EHC Needs Assessment September 2023 (for schools and professionals)

Appendix B School Response form December 2023 (for schools)

Parental Health Questionnaire for the EHCP Initial Assessment Process

Young Person Health Questionnaire for the EHCP Initial Assessment Process

Appendix A Children and young people's views (limited support)

Appendix A Children and young people's views (moderate support) 

Appendix A Children and young people's views (with visuals)

For Other Professionals

Form to request an EHC Needs Assessment September 2023 (for schools and professionals)

For parents

Letter to request an EHC needs assessment with consent (for parent-carer) October 2023

Parental Health Questionnaire for the EHCP Initial Assessment Process

Education, Health and Care Plans Information from SEND IAS

Appendix A Parent or Carers view

For young people

Letter to request an EHC Needs assessment with consent (for young person) October 2023

Young Person Health Questionnaire for the EHCP Initial Assessment Process


The Purpose of the Forum

  • to provide consistent and focused decision making in line with current legislation
  • to work collaboratively and be solution focused in ensuring children and young people’s needs are effectively met
  • to inform positive inclusion for all

What does the Forum look at?

  • Requests for EHC Needs Assessments (EHCNA)
  • Temporary allocation of High Needs Block Funding (HNBF)
  • Under 5 Notifications Initial case discussions for pupils experiencing emotional based school avoidance
  • (EBSNA) Initial case discussions for pupils moving into the authority
  • Requests for equipment
  • Requests for personal budgets
  • Requests for increase in hours allocated to an EHC Plan above 30 hours
  • Spot purchasing for therapy outside of commissioned arrangements

What are the Forum arrangements?

  • The iSEND Forums are weekly.
  • They are chaired by an iSEND Manager
  • Settings are invited to attend alongside professionals from various sectors within Buckinghamshire such as education, psychology, health, and social care
  • Before attending a Forum, settings will have submitted detailed information about the child or young person. This may include an application for HNBF or EHCNA, SEND Support plans and any reports from supporting adults.
  • Settings are invited to attend Forums to provide a brief summary of the child or young person’s needs and why they are making their request
  • Decisions will be recorded during the Forum and an outcome summary sheet will be sent to all attendees
  • Parents will receive an update from the EHC Co-ordinator 48 hours after outcomes are shared

The iSEND team will invite SENCOs/a school representative to attend when their cases are at Forum.  If you would like to attend the Forum at any other time, for example, to observe, please let your annual review EHCCO know and they will send you an invite.

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