SEND and inclusion toolkits
SEND and inclusion toolkits
Information and toolkits available for professionals to support children, young people and their families and links to toolkits for parents and carers.
SEN support toolkit
This toolkit provides practical information, advice, and tools for implementing SEN support in schools.
EBSNA support toolkit
The EBSNA toolkit provides guidance and resources for professionals working in or with schools to develop and understanding of why children and young people avoid school.
SEND Co-production Toolkit
The SEND Co-production toolkit gives professionals a practical understanding of what co-production is, how effective it is and how to do it well.
Preparing for adulthood (PfA)
The PfA toolkit helps professionals understand what PfA is, how it must be considered in annual reviews and guidance to help develop outcomes in EHC plans.
Parents and carers:
The Autism Toolbox (for parents/carers)
The Autism toolbox for parents and carers provides advice and signposting to support, services and resources.
School attendance
Information and advice for parents and carers to improve their child or young person's attendance at school.