Co-producing the SEN Support Toolkit
Last updated:The toolkit has been developed collaboratively with the view that it will be a resource that schools actively use and revisit, to ensure that you have the tools to provide for the range of presenting SEN at the earliest opportunity.
Engagement with children, young people and families, through the development of the toolkit, has told us that they want and need to understand and be involved in the identification of additional needs. They also want to be fully involved in the planning and review of support from the start.
The Toolkit aims to provide resources that facilitate schools working with families collaboratively, in an open and honest way to support best practice and provide the best opportunities for all children and young people to thrive.
The toolkit has been put together collaboratively with:
- Educational Psychologists
- Parents
- Children and young people
- Health professionals
- Family Support Service
- Participation workers
- Specialist teachers
The resource will evolve over time to reflect the changing picture of SEND and ensure that resources reflect current best practices and support implementation within any school setting.
Let us know your feedback
Email us to let us know your feedback so we can continue to improve the toolkit.