
Health and safety training

Health and safety training

Health and safety training

Health and Safety Course Information

To help schools fulfil their legal responsibilities for health and safety, a comprehensive health and safety training programme is available.  As well as the annual programme, a number of  training courses can be run in-house on request and can be delivered as part of an INSET day or as a twilight session.


Please click on the links below for further course information, dates and prices.

IOSH Managing Safely

Managers, Headteachers/Health and Safety Co-ordinators and others, who have the responsibility for managing health and safety. 

IOSH Managing Safely Refresher

Managers, Headteachers/Health and Safety Co-ordinators and others, who have the responsibility for managing health and safety, who have completed the IOSH Managing Safely course.

IOSH Working Safely

Site Managers, Caretakers, Technicians and others who require basic health and safety training.

Managing Fire Safety (formerly Fire Risk Assessor Training)

This course is a requirement for Headteachers, Managers or Health and Safety Co-ordinators who are either the ‘Responsible Person’ under fire legislation or have been given the responsibility for fire safety for their premises.

Fire Warden Training

Any member of staff with a designated responsibility as fire warden.

Basic Fire Safety Awareness (Bespoke)

All staff. To also be used as part of a new starter induction and for refresh basic understanding of fire safety at work.

Asbestos Awareness

Managers, Headteachers, Health and Safety Co-ordinators who manage premises and Caretakers and Site mangers who maintain buildings.

Legionella Training

This course is essential for the Legionella ‘Premises Responsible Person’ and the ‘Nominated Legionella Controller’

Working at Height Training

All staff who undertake any tasks or maintenance work that involves use of a leaning ladder.  Other staff members who use stepladders are not required to attend this course but must read and understand Buckinghamshire County Council’s Working at Height Policy 10.2

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Training

Site Managers, Caretakers and Technicians, who regularly handle, use or are exposed to hazardous substances

PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) Training

Suitable for Staff nominated to carry out electrical testing of Portable Electrical Equipment.  Any person carrying out portable appliance testing MUST attend an approved course

Manual Handling of Objects Training

This course is suitable for all employees who regularly lift and handle loads

Supporting Pupils in School with Medical Conditions

Any employee who has responsibly for managing and administering medicines in School

Routine Playground Inspection Course

This course is aimed at those who are responsible for routine (daily/weekly) play equipment inspections

Basic Tree Survey and Inspection (Tree Safety for Non Tree Experts)

Anyone who has responsibility for inspecting trees on their site.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Training (facilitated by Buckinghamshire Mind)

Management or frontline staff to manage stress and mental health in the workplace or school

Personal Safety Awareness

Front line staff who may deal with people in uncertain or potentially aggressive or violent situations and staff who may from time to time work with members of the public, make home visits, travel, outreach work, lone working. 

Food Hygiene Training

All staff who handle food, including PTA/Schools Association and staff who are involved in occasional catering activities e.g. Fetes and fairs

Small Pool Operators Certificate (formerly Pool Carers Training)

This course is for staff looking after seasonal swimming.This can be Headteachers; site managers/caretakers; class teachers; teaching assistants, parent volunteers; governors.

Small Pool Operators Information Update Seminar

Any person who holds the Small Pool Operators Certificate, and has done so for approaching 3 years

Swimming Pool Awareness for Headteachers

(Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (IMSPA)

This course is essential for Headteachers, who are responsible for swimming pools on their sites.

Paediatric Moving and Handling Assessor Training

The designated person in a special school or ARP who has been given the responsibility to assess the loads when moving and handling pupils with mobility problems.  This course equips key workers with the knowledge and skills to undertake formal assessments for the safer handling of people.

Paediatric Moving and Handling Assessor Refresher Training

The designated person in a special school or ARP who has already completed the 2 day course

Paediatric Moving and Handling (including hoists)

This course is designed as an introductory session for staff working with children and young people who have care/mobility needs or staff who are out of date with current best practice. This session introduces the problems associated with caring for children and young people needing assistance with moving or who use a wheelchair and offers the opportunity to practice up to date techniques, use of new equipment and explore strategies.

Ongoing monitoring and supervision in the workplace by management is an essential requirement under Health & Safety law.

Paediatric Moving and Handling Refresher (including hoists) 

This is the half day annual update for those who have completed the 1 day Paediatric Moving and Handling (including hoists) training

Paediatric Moving and Handling (excludes hoists)

Suitable for any employee who is involved in supporting pupils with mobility problems, who do not require to be hoisted.  This course is appropriate for staff who are new to moving and handling and as the annual update/refresher.

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