
Supporting Pupils in School with Medical Conditions

Supporting Pupils in School with Medical Conditions

The DfE guidance on Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at School outlines schools statutory and non-statutory duties with supporting pupils in school with their medical conditions.

This course is designed around this guidance and will help you to understand:

  • importance of record keeping
  • storage and administration of medicine

After the Supporting Pupils in Schools with Medical Conditions training has finished, the Buckinghamshire NHS Trust, School Nursing Service will provide an update on their service and talk to you about their referral process for specific training for Epi-pen, epilepsy and asthma.

Suitable for - any employee who has responsibly for managing and administering medicines in School

Refresher training required? - yes, every three years

Bespoke training available? - yes, Supporting Pupils in Schools with Medical Conditions training can also be run on request as twilight or INSET session for a group of staff.

For all School Nursing Service training, please follow this link to their referral form

Course dates 2023/2024

Please click on the link below to book directly. Venue details can be found within the link.  Please note that some of the scheduled courses will be held online. 

This course is chargeable.

Voluntary Aided £100.00
Voluntary Controlled £100.00
Foundation £100.00
Maintained £100.00
Academy Package Customer £135.00

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