
Small Pool Operators Certificate (formally Pool Carers Training)

Small Pool Operators Certificate

formally Pool Carers Training

This 2 day course is the required qualification for the operators of School Swimming Pools.

The syllabus has been designed to take the delegate through all aspects of the operation of a swimming pool, from the legal responsibilities, to pollution control, mechanical systems and hydraulics, chemical process, testing protocols, and corrective actions.

The post-course assignment is focussed on the level of understanding of what the regular water test readings mean, rather than the ability just to use a test kit, or to handle chemicals.

Suitable for - this course is for staff looking after seasonal swimming. This can be Headteachers; site managers/caretakers; class teachers; teaching assistants, parent volunteers; governors.

Refresher training required? - yes, every three years. Please book on to the Information Update Seminar for Small Pool Operators

Course dates & How to Book

 Carlton Associates


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