
Health and Safety demo

Health and Safety demo

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 schools have a duty to manage health and safety.

The following health and safety policies and guidelines have been produced to help with your health and safety responsibilities.

If you have any queries please contact:

Health and Safety Team 
Telephone: 01296 674 412

Safety Policy & Organisation

(1.1) Health and safety policy

Health and safety policy (Download) - the health and safety policy sets out Buckinghamshire Council's commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, including responsibilities for all workers. This Health and Safety Policy Statement is the lead health and safety document for Buckinghamshire Council.

1.2 Health and safety consultation arrangements

Health and safety consultation arrangements - this protocol looks at the local health and safety legal obligations, regarding safety representatives, which include Trade Unions, Employee representatives and Local Health and Safety Committees and the responsibilities they have.

(1.3) Health and safety law posters

Health and safety law posters (Download) - this downloadable poster, available via HSE Books, fulfills the Employees Regulation 1989 criteria for Health and Safety Representatives, plus distribution in schools for all on-site staff members. There is also a downloadable pocket card.

(1.4) Health and safety Training Policy

Health and safety Training Policy - this policy regards compulsory health and safety policies for managers, employees, senior managers and Establishment Safety Co-ordinators as well as record keeping, training record sample cards and training courses and methods.

(1.6) Health and safety Policy

Health and safety Policy (Download) - this is a model health and safety policy to download and use, which includes guidance on responsibilities, procedures and incidence reporting.

(1.7) Health and safety guidance for school governors

Health and safety guidance for school governors - this guidance sets out the health and safety responsibilities of school governors and governing bodies in managing health and safety in schools, which include legal health and safety guidelines, risk assessments and curricular requirements.

(1.8) Corporate Manslaughter Protocol

Corporate Manslaughter Protocol – this protocol is relevant if any person dies or suffers such serious injuries that there is a strong likelihood of death as a result of an accident arising out of or in connection with work carried out by employees of or on behalf of the council.

Management of Health & Safety

2.1 Management of Health & Safety

(2.1)Risk assessment guide – this guide looks to risk assessment, according to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which includes assessment forms.

(2.1 c)  Model risk assessment - school premises (PDF Download) 

(2.1C) Events on Council Premises - this document assists with the health and safety planning and considerations for events.

(2.2) New and Expectant Mothers at Work 

New and Expectant Mothers at Work – this protocol relates to health and safety procedures, as well as legal requirements for managers and employees regarding new and expectant mothers.

2.3 Employment of young persons

Employment of young persons - this document relates to the employment of young people between the ages of 16-18 and a risk assessment questionnaire for a representative of the young person according to the Health and Safety of Young Persons Regulation 1997.


2.5 Safety inspections

2.5 Safety inspections - this document relates to the responsibilities and training for carrying out safety inspections, a safety inspection checklist, the minimum legal requirements within the workplace and a blank and completed example of the Health and Safety Inspection and Report form.

2.5a Model Health and Safety Inspection Checklist - this is a model checklist for use in schools which covers internal and external spaces. 

2.6 Establishment/School manager checklist

2.6 Establishment/School manager checklist - this checklist is intended to give guidance to the managers of establishments/Headteachers and provide a summary of what they need to do to comply with the council regulations for managing health and safety.

(2.7) Homeworking policy

(2.7) Homeworking policy  - this policy looks to permanent or regular workers who work from home and the health, safety and personal standards suitable for homeworking.

2.8 Health and safety volunteers

2.8 Health and safety volunteers - These guidelines have been drawn up to help those that work with or manage volunteers to ensure that volunteers meet the legal safety requirements and are not put at risk when using equipment.

2.9 Temporary and agency workers

2.9 Temporary and agency workers - this document relates to the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 for the legal requirements of temporary and agency workers and the risks involved, as well as the responsibilities that managers and employment agencies have.

(2.10)Managers policy/guide on employing staff who may need modifications to the working environment 

(2.10)Managers policy/guide on employing staff who may need modifications to the working environment – this guide helps managers who may need modifications to the working environment to provide safe access/egress and working conditions.

(2.11) Visitors in the Workplace policy

(2.11) Visitors in the Workplace policy - this policy looks to the health, safety and welfare requirements of personnel when meeting with the Council, which includes the risk assessment policy and accidents policy.

Accident, incident, fire, and emergencies

3 Accident, incident, fire, and emergencies

(3.1) Reporting an accident, Incident or near miss policy
(3.2) Hazard reporting
Dangerous occurrences template (Download) 
Investigation template for managers (Download)
Near miss template (Download)
(3.3) Fire Safety Policies

Hazardous substances

4 Hazardous substances

(4.1) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)– Buckinghamshire Council’s policy and procedures for the implementation of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
(4.2) Asbestos Part one: Policy and organisation and Asbestos Part Two: Toolkit
(4.4) Legionella Part one: Policy and organisation and Legionella Part two: Toolkit
(4.5) Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
(4.6) Firework Displays and bonfires on council premises
More information about Firework displays is available in the Insurance section

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