Bucks Pay 2025
Bucks Pay & Apprentice Guidance and Import Files Apr 25 - Mar 26
Download and unzip. Save files in a convenient location.
Bucks Pay Apr 23 - Mar 25
This import file will import 23-24 & 24-25 Bucks Pay Ranges and spine points.
The file will not import if there is already a base pay with the same naming convention. Please rename both the code and description, i.e. DNUBP.
Pay Import Files -When downloading, save the zipped folder to a convenient location. Please remember to unzip the folder (extract all files) and save before importing into Bromcom.
Bromcom Base pay Import
- Configure / Administration / Base Pay Structure
- Click on Import at the top and navigate to the save unzipped xml Import file.
- Click on Proceed, when prompted
After importing files, edit the Bucks Pay and remap the following:
- Tick box for monthly spinal progression
- Select month (on right)
- Select ‘Region’ as London Fringe or Rest of England to populate spine points.
Teachers Pay Import Sept 23 - Aug 25
This import file will import 23-24 & 24-25 Teacher, Upper Teacher, Leadership & Unqualified Teacher Pay Ranges and spine points.
The file will not import if there is already a base pay with the same naming convention. Please rename both the code and description, i.e. DNUTE.
Pay Import Files -When downloading, save the zipped folder to a convenient location. Please remember to unzip the folder (extract all files) and save before importing into Bromcom.
Bromcom Base pay Import
- Configure / Administration / Base Pay Structure
- Click on Import at the top and navigate to the save unzipped xml Import file.
- Click on Proceed, when prompted
After importing files, edit each Teacher & Leadership and remap the following:
- Tick box for monthly spinal progression
- Select month (on right)
- Select ‘Region’ as London Fringe or Rest of England to populate spine points.