Appendix 8 - Non-statutory Guidance Lower KS2
Last updated:Statutory Enquiries with suggested non-statutory key questions
- How and why do people worship? (Worship)
- What is most important to me in my life? (Things, people, ideas, feelings, beliefs)
- How do I express my feelings and beliefs about what I think is important in my life?
- What do religious people do in their worship? Why do they do this?
- Why are beliefs and attitudes important?
- How does worship express different beliefs about God, humans and the world?
- What do believers gain from worshipping on their own (privately) and with other people (in the home or place of worship)?
- How does worship influence their lives?
- How do we show what is most important in our lives and how might this influence how we live and affect other people?
- Are places of worship really needed? (Religious buildings)
- What different kinds of buildings are there in the local communities? What are they for?
- How do the features of these buildings help them to fulfil their purpose?
- What are the places of worship in the religions called and how are they used?
- What features are found in the different places of worship and what are they used for?
- What role do places of worship play in the lives of the individuals and faith communities?
- How do these places help believers feel closer to God and understand life better?
- What are the differences between private and collective worship? How might believers benefit from each? Do they need to have a public place of worship?
- Why is it important for people to have public buildings in the community? Why not just have homes?
- How important is it for people to have somewhere to go to be on their own? Why?
- What holds communities together? (Religion in the community)
- What is it like to belong to our class? Our school? What responsibilities do different people in the school have?
- How can belonging to a religion influence the lives of the faith communities?
- How do religious communities live out their beliefs and actions in the wider world?
- What beliefs do the different religions share in common and how are they different?
- What does it mean to be a Christian, a Hindu or a Muslim's religion important in the community? Why/why not?
- How does being part of a community influence people’s actions, choices and behaviour?
- How can different people and groups live together in communities (local, national, global)?
- How do religions express their beliefs about God? (Symbolism)
- What does our school badge or motto say about us?
- What is important to me and how can I express my deeply held feelings and beliefs?
- What is the difference between a sign and a symbol? What symbols are important to you?
- What do some religions believe about God?
- How do they express these beliefs through art, language, rituals and symbols?
- How do symbols and language express deep ideas, beliefs and feelings?
- Why are sacred texts and holy books so important? (Sacred Texts)
- What is your favourite book or story? What are books for and how do we use them?
- How do stories help us understand how we should behave/live our lives?
- What is a sacred text? What sacred texts are important in the religions? How did they come into existence?
- What beliefs about God are expressed in the sacred texts?
- What do different sacred texts say about what it means to be a person?
- What rules for living are found in different sacred texts?
- How might religious people interpret their sacred texts differently?
- How might non-religious people interpret sacred texts? How do they know what their rules for living are?
- Do people need to believe in God in order to be good?
- What do our celebrations show about what we think is important in life? (Festivals)
- What things do we celebrate? Why? How do we celebrate?
- How do celebrations show what is important in our lives?
- Why do we usually celebrate with other people and not just on our own?
- What are some of the main festivals in the religions?
- How do festivals express important beliefs and events in each religion?
- What value do religious festivals have in the lives of individuals and communities?
- What are the similarities and differences between secular and religious celebrations?
- What makes something worth celebrating?
What can we learn from this about what people think is really important in life?
Appendix 7 - Non-statutory Guidance Key Stage 1
Appendix 9 - Non-statutory Guidance Upper Key Stage 2
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