
AnyComms Plus v16 upgrade

AnyComms Plus v16 upgrade

On 6/7th August 2019 the AnyComms Plus system was upgraded.  The below covers some of the key changes users need to be aware of.

For all users, including school, early years setting and Local Authority users

To improve security on the site, users are encouraged to change their password regularly.  As a minimum, users will now need to change their passwords every 180 days.  For most users, this will mean that you will be asked to reset your password the first time you log into the upgraded system.  You cannot reuse any of your last 3 passwords.

You can now reset your password yourself, as long as you know your memorable word.  Use the reset your password link from the login screen –

Enter your username and email address, and you will receive an email containing a link that will allow you to reset your password.  Please note that you will need to know your memorable word to successfully reset your password this way.


If you cannot reset your password because you do not know the memorable word on the account then please email


For Local Authority users only

The separate Bulk Upload function has been removed, and the main file upload process has been amended so that you can now select multiple files to upload, rather than browsing for each file separately.

From the homepage select

Click on the browse button

Select the files you want to upload

  • to select a group of files click on the first file, hold down the SHIFT key then click on the last file
  • to select individual files click on the first file, hold down the CTRL key then click on each of the other files you want to upload

Once you click on Open you will see the following upload table.

For files using the existing bulk upload file naming convention, the recipient organisation will be pre-populated for each file.  File names need to be as below –


Where xxxx is the 4 digit school number, yyyyyy is a text string (any length, can contain spaces, but not underscores) and zzzz is the file type extension.

For all other files you can select the recipient organisation manually.

To facilitate bulk uploads you can choose the correct recipient role for the top file then use the Copy top role for all button.  The same process can be followed for the description.  You can also use the same feature, copying the top organisation to all files, to easily send multiple files to a single school.

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