
AnyComms Plus information

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AnyComms Plus is the web based file transfer system used to send files securely between Buckinghamshire schools and the LA.  Schools use the system to send files to the LA, including statutory returns (School Census, end of Key Stage results etc) and finance returns (VAT, invoices etc).  Schools receive files from the LA including data analysis, admissions allocations, finance reconciliation files etc.

Each school has a number of accounts which are linked to a role type.  This role type determines which files are received by the account holder, so for example reconciliation files can only be downloaded by school users who have the “Finance” role.  It is therefore very important that the account details for each school are up to date and accurate so that the correct person can access the files they need.

The file linked below contains details of the current AnyComms Plus users in your school.  If any changes need to be made then please download and save a copy of the file, make any changes required and then return to the School Management Support Team using the instructions included in the file.

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