Free School Meals - complete information
Last updated:Free School Meals Eligibility
Schools have two options for checking eligibility for Free School Meals:
Schools that have signed up for the Eligibility Checking Service
If your school has signed up for this service then the LA will check eligibility for Free School Meals on the schools behalf without the requirement for paper evidence of benefits. Please click the link below for details on how to use this service
Information if your school has signed up for this service
School that have NOT signed up for the Eligibility Checking Service
If your school has not signed up for the Eligibility Checking Service then the school will have to check eligibility themselves and verify it against paper evidence of benefits from the parent. This method is the traditional way to check eligibility and has been in place for a number of years.
Information if your school has NOT signed up for this service
Useful Information for all schools
Providing free school meals to families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Free school meal eligibility for pupils transferring between schools
Contact: Please direct any queries to
Please note that this email address is only for use by Buckinghamshire schools. Parents or carers with queries about Free School Meals should contact their child's school in the first instance.