Net Capacity Schools Schedule
Last updated:Net Capacity Schedules are a DfE methodology for measuring the capacity of your school. It is essential for the authority to maintain accurate schedules of accommodation for all schools to inform decisions when planning school places and to support independent admission appeals. Each schedule contains a list of all the usable spaces in the school building (both teaching and non-teaching), which is used as a basis for assessing the capacity of each school. When divided by the number of year groups it indicates the admission number or pupils that can generally be accommodated.
A copy of your school's schedule is attached below for information. If you are aware of any changes that need to be made to it please can you inform the team so we can update our records. Please could you mark any changes on a copy of your schedule and then sign and return it to Amy Mitchell in the School Management Support Team, Buckinghamshire Council, 4th Floor, County Hall, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1UZ
The areas you need to check on the schedule are:
- School Details
- Room Names
- Room Types (i.e. general or specialist)
- Room Status, in particular spaces classified as classbases in primary schools or teaching spaces in secondary schools
- Non school or support provision (not available to the school during the school day) such as early years and childcare, specially resourced facilities (e.g. SEN departments) and parents/community rooms. Note, these rooms need to be measured but will be excluded from the capacity assessment.
To assist you with this process, you may wish to refer to the notes of guidance by clicking on the link below:
Please could you mark any changes on your schedule and then sign and return it to Amy Mitchell in the School Management Support Team, Buckinghamshire Council, 4th Floor, County Hall, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1UZ.