iSEND Free Training
iSEND Free Training
Buckinghamshire Council’s Integrated SEN Service has a free bespoke, high-quality training programme. Our training will be delivered by a range of Local Authority Professionals, including Specialist Teachers and Educational Psychologists.
Our training will support educational professionals’ learning and development whilst supporting our iSEND Service Ambitions. View our 2024/2025 iSEND training brochure.
iSEND Service Training
All training is free unless stated otherwise. More information can be found on the iSEND training page.
EBSNA Project
Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to negative feelings (such as anxiety).
EBSNA is commonly associated with emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.
The Educational Psychology (EP) Team are in the process of setting up a weekly drop-in session for schools to discuss their concerns about EBSNA in the school. There will be a drop-in for each area hub and it is expected that these will begin after the Autumn half-term.
If you have any general enquiries about EBSNA, please email and we will try to support you through signposting and/or directing you to appropriate referral pathways.
Autism Education Trust (AET) Training
iSEND is proud to offer the AET training to our settings for free this year.
The AET schools programme offers training and resources to professionals working across all education settings for school-aged pupils aged 5 to 16 years via a network of specialist training hubs across the UK.
Supported by the Department for Education, the programme offers nationally delivered face-to-face or virtual training for professionals working with Autistic children and young people up to the age of 25.
The training uses a range of teaching methods to form an essential part of your continued professional development.
This suite of resources will support leaders or leadership teams to create a culture change across their provision. The resources will support leaders to embed the 8 principles of good autism practice as outlined in the Good Autism Practice Report.
To book whole-school 'Making Sense of Autism' training for your school please email
National Autistic Society EarlyBird Plus and Teen Life
Support for parents (Autism Specialist Teacher Team)
You can read more about the Autism Education Trust on their website.