
Chiltern and South Bucks

Chiltern and South Bucks

The Buckinghamshire Integrated SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Service is a dedicated group of professionals that provide support and services to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, their families and educational settings.

Who we are


Information about the Chiltern and South Bucks integrated SEND team and how to get in touch.


Person in blue shirt and white t-shirt sitting down reading a document


Escalation protocol


If the service is not supporting the delivery of outcomes in the way that you feel it should, you can escalate your concerns.



Group of people male and female chatting


SENDCo Network Liaison Meetings


Meetings provide opportunities for SENDCos to support, discuss, and share experiences and advice with each other.


Woman in green cardigan and yellow blouse with laptop and document in her hand


Educational Psychologist School Support


Half-termly virtual consultation sessions where schools either solely or with limited numbers can consult for one hour.

Our newsletters


Hub Newsletters are emailed to SENCos to share with their settings on a Thursday. 

Termly SEND Leadership Briefing


These briefings provide termly updates from the iSEND service and incorporate external professional input. 

Education, health and care co-ordinators (EHCCos)

Find the EHC coordinator for your education provider.

New to SEND leadership

A group for SENDCos that are new to the role or new to the local area.

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