National Governance Association
Last updated:Buckinghamshire Council offers a 50% subsidy on standard NGA membership for Bucks maintained schools in 2022/23, and a discount to all schools (including academies) on other membership options. New governors should check with their Chair of Governors as to whether their school is a member and, if so, ensure they give you log on details.
- The NGA provides a range of training, services and resources to support governors and trustees during the first few months of their role and beyond
- NGA’s Knowledge Centre offers exclusive online access to practical governance resources including model policies, templates, checklists and best practice guidance.
- Subscribers to NGA Learning Link can access flexible e-learning with a choice of over 50 modules including core modules for new governors and trustees.
- NGA’s glossary of governance terms is a useful addition to any induction information pack
Please click here for more information about NGA membership and details on how to sign up