
Small Pool Operators Information Update Seminar (Small Pool operators Refresher training)

Small Pool Operators Information Update Seminar

Small Pool operators Refresher training

Holders of the Small Pool Operators Certificate have to ensure that their knowledge and practices are ‘current and valid’ at all times. There are many ways of doing this, but the most straightforward way is to attend an Information Update Seminar every 3 years.

This Seminar will provide information of legal, procedural and technical issues and practices that have occurred since the original qualification was taken. Some employers also find it to be a useful ‘reminder’ for staff who may operate (seasonal) outdoor pools for approximately 15 weeks a year, and relinquish their responsibilities for the swimming pool, for the remaining 37 weeks.

Suitable for - any person who holds the Small Pool Operators Certificate, and has done so for approaching 3 years

Refresher training required? - yes, every three years

Course dates & How to Book

 Carlton Associates

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