
Frequently asked Questions

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Frequently asked questions

Is there a maximum age for apprentices?

No. People of any age can do an Apprenticeship.

Can I offer existing staff an apprenticeship?

Yes! Apprenticeships are an excellent way for staff to gain a nationally-recognised qualification which relates directly to their job role. It demonstrates to employees that you are investing in their future.

Contact for advice on how to upskill, and complete a Levy Claim form.

What would our commitment be as an employer?

Apprentices must have a contract of employment, a job description & generally work a minimum of 30 hours per week. (Less can be negotiated)

They must be paid their normal wage for the hours that they are employed and whilst attending training and assessments.

They must be supervised, mentored & supported by the employer during their Apprenticeship. They must be allowed to spend 20% of their time learning new skills, off-the-job, during working hours.

Will I have to pay for the training?

Training costs for BC Maintained schools will be funded through the Apprenticeship Levy. You will need to make a claim to draw down these funds.

Email for a copy.

Can somebody do an apprenticeship if they already have a degree?

Yes, as long as the apprenticeship is in a different subject to the Degree.

How much do I have to pay a new apprentice?

In the first year of an apprenticeship, regardless of the apprentice's age, the BC apprentice wage is £6.40 per hour.

From 12 months onwards you must pay age-related National Minimum Wage.

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