
Recruiting a new apprentice

Last updated:

Buckinghamshire Council maintained schools

  1. School identifies an opportunity. Speaks with BC Apprenticeship Team (via to explore which training provider on the approved list can be used
  2. School submits Levy Claim Form to BC Apprenticeship Team (copy from
  3. The Apprenticeship Team approves the use of Levy funds
  4. Training Provider introduced
  5. School completes Advertising Booking Form (copy on schools web) & sends to
  6. BC Resourcing team notifies the school when adverts are live
  7. Applications go directly to the school for shortlisting. The school invites applicants to interview, and selects & notifies unsuccessful applicants.
  8. School conducts Right to Work, qualifications and DBS checks.
  9. School liaises with training provider on learner assessment & desired start date 
  10. School completes electronic Notification of Appointment form (copy on schoolsweb) for HR Operations Team to complete starter details (including Contract)
  11. Apprentice start date: The training provider completes enrolment with the apprentice on the first day; School starts Induction training. 
  12. BC charge an apprentice recruitment fee of £485 per vacancy (inc; Levy Claim, contractual & training advice, and candidate support.)
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