Our Partners
Last updated:Buckinghamshire Council works with and commissions a range of partners to ensure that we fulfil our statutory duty to tackle underperformance in schools and ensure high standards. These include:
The Buckinghamshire Academy of School Leaders (BASL)
- To provide advice, support and professional development for school leaders;
- To maintain and promote awareness of developments in school leadership;
- To act as an advocate for the needs of school leaders, both locally and nationally; and
- To work collaboratively with Buckinghamshire Council to provide a comprehensive package of support for new headteachers.
Website: http://www.baslonline.org/
Astra Teaching School Hub
- To provide high quality training and support to benefit the learning of all teachers and
students, underpinned by our commitment to excellence, collaboration, innovation and support, through the Teaching School, SCITT and ECT Appropriate Body services
- To deliver the implementation of the Early Career Framework and revised suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) from September 2021.
- Linked to a range of research institutions, including University of London for the SCITT’s PGCE provision. Collaborates with CAMSTAR (Cambridge, School Teachers and Research) on action research projects and is in partnership with Buckinghamshire New University for a well-established mentor support programme.
Website: https:// www.astrahub.org
The Buckinghamshire Standing Advisory Council
on Religious Education (SACRE)
- SACRE has been established in Buckinghamshire to meet the requirements of the Education Act 1996 (Section 390).
- It seeks to ensure that all pupils in our schools develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally so that they can understand themselves and others, and cope with the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of living in a rapidly changing world.
- SACRE provides a Religious Education syllabus that reflects the local position regarding faith and non-faith groups in Buckinghamshire.
Website: https://schoolsweb.buckscc.gov.uk/school-improvement-and-equalities/sacre/
Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors (BASG)
- The Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors was founded in 1997 and is a voluntary organisation of school governors, for school governors. The main purpose of BASG is to support robust and effective governance across all Buckinghamshire schools. BASG is a completely independent organisation, committed to working with all relevant stakeholders (including the local authority) to ensure this happens. All Governors in Buckinghamshire are full members of BASG, including members of academy and MAT boards and those of Local Governing Bodies within MATs.
- BASG has representation on the School Governance Consultative Board. This forum provides opportunities for the Association to raise the views and opinions of governors directly with the Chair of the Consultative Board, as well as the Director of Education and the Head of Achievement and Learning at BCC, and the Elected Member for Education & Skills, seeking action when needed.
- BASG also has representation on the half termly Side by Side meetings. (Side by Side is the LA school improvement strategy and implementation model.)
Website: http://www.bucksgovernors.org/