Property Services
Last updated:Buckinghamshire Council’s Property Services team are responsible for:
- the compilation and implementation of the Authority’s capital programme for planned maintenance to its built estate;
- the provision of a dedicated Service Desk and a responsive service to all requests for assistance from schools purchasing its PropertyPlus maintenance package;
- the provision of all the required planned preventative maintenance (PPM) or plant servicing for all schools purchasing its PropertyPlus package; and
- carrying out one-off commissions for larger capital construction projects and school self-financed building projects.
Further details regarding reactive maintenance and explanation of general maintenance responsibilities are available on the Premises & Property pages on SchoolsWeb, together with the link for reporting all but the most urgent requests for assistance at: (log in required)
Property-related Emergencies
If reporting a major property-related emergency, such as fire or serious storm damage, please ring the emergency services on 999 as normal. In response to a major property-related incident the Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Officer will alert the Council’s Resilience Officer who will in turn make contact with Property Services’ staff (named below) and other key personnel listed on the Council’s Emergency Plan to make them aware of the major incident.
Traded Services: PropertyPlus Maintenance Package
For those schools purchasing the Council’s PropertyPlus package there is access to a 24-hour Service Desk via the web-form available on the SchoolsWeb link above for everything. Please note that only for the most urgent property-related incidents requiring reactive maintenance assistance should the Service Desk be contacted on 01296 383238. The Property Plus package entitles the school to:
- unlimited access to the dedicated Property Service Desk;
- access to the Council’s approved specialist contractors on call out to deal with your emergency maintenance issues;
- all Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) being carried out, such as plant servicing, statutory testing and periodic inspections, by the Council’s approved specialist contractors;
- access to the Property Services team’s in-house operational and technical expertise; and
- unlimited access to an enhanced customer portal where you can access all your school’s property records.
Key Contacts
Property Service Desk
Contact via web-form on SchoolsWeb (or 01296 383238 for emergencies only)
John Collins
Head of Property Services
George Thompson
Reactive Maintenance & Contracts Manager
Matt Hayward
Planned Maintenance + Projects Manager
Peter Halsey
Senior Property Compliance Officer
Energy Team (log in required)