Side by Side Model for School Improvement
Last updated:The DFE / national expectation for school improvement can be found in the following documents:
- KCSIE Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
- Schools causing concern Schools causing concern - GOV.UK (
- LA role Schools: statutory guidance - GOV.UK (
Side by Side is the Buckinghamshire model for a local, school to school improvement system. It aligns with the Buckinghamshire Education Strategy
Side by Side builds on the established, strong relationships across Buckinghamshire and enables all schools across the county to work collaboratively to support county wide school improvement. It recognises that it is this wider system that will deliver improvements and as such harnesses and utilises the experience, strengths, and knowledge within our schools, with school leaders and practitioners deployed to support local schools. The Local Authority’s role is one of a facilitator; identifying areas of strength and those which require development, building expertise capacity, empowering system leaders, and enabling support.
The process for Side by Side is:
- Working collaboratively, the School Improvement team risk assess all Buckinghamshire schools and assign each school to a category of support– Enhancement, Prevention or Intervention;
- For Prevention and Intervention schools where particular vulnerabilities exist, the local authority, in collaboration with the school leadership, brokers support by deploying ‘champions’ from within the Buckinghamshire family of schools to deliver significant improvements;
- Schools work collaboratively to share experience and learning, through both formalised and bespoke relationships;
- The School Improvement team quality assure the work delivered and identify areas for further improvement.
Further information can be found here: Side by Side which includes the Side by Side Strategy document.
For more information on the Side by Side model for school improvement, please contact:
Name |
Side by Side Responsibility |
Email Address |
Yvette Thomas |
School Improvement and Traded Delivery Manager |
Georgina Masefield |
Secondary School Improvement Adviser |
Naureen Kausar |
Primary School Improvement Adviser |
Rosalind Burch |
Primary School Improvement Adviser |
Lucy Kent |
Primary School Improvement Adviser |
Kerry Lidgett |
Special School Adviser |
Mike Harwin |
Outdoor Education Adviser |
Katherine Wells |
Education Officer |
Kate White |
School Governance Officer |
Kathryn Hathaway |
Side by Side Team Leader |