
How you can help

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There are lots of ways you can try and support a child or young person struggling with a vision impairment.


Some of these strategies include:

  • Working with professionals to share advice about how best to access the learning environment. For example, through the use of Information and Computer Technology (ICT), alternative visual resources or pre-learning.
  • Ensuring lighting is in a position to support their vision
  • Providing uncluttered space and plain backgrounds
  • Modifying and/or enlarging print resources
  • Reading aloud as you write on the whiteboard
  • Using talking books or those with Braille if the child or young person is a Braille reader
  • Using reading apps
  • Creating a folder of frequently used resources that the child or young person can access during lessons
  • Taking account of mobility needs such as accessing mobility/cane training
  • Encourage use of low vision aids
  • Using talking equipment for life skills/curriculum activities
  • Providing access to quieter learning environments
  • Allowing additional time so that the student can scan materials and assimilate visual information

Further support

Accessing reading material

Vision charities

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