
Communication and Interaction Team

Communication and Interaction Team

This specialist team of qualified teachers has experience and qualifications related to supporting children and young people (CYP) with Communication and Interaction (C&I) needs linked to:

  • autism,
  • developmental language disorder (DLD),
  • and other language needs.

They offer a 'needs-led' service support those who where:

  • a formal diagnosis of autism or DLD has been given;
  • the CYP is on a pathway awaiting a diagnosis of autism or DLD;
  • or professionals are exploring the CYP’s needs and have approached the Specialist Teachers for guidance.

The central purpose of the Specialist Teachers is to promote the successful inclusion and progress of CYP with SEND. The C&I Specialist Teachers work in partnership with

  • SENDCOs,
  • class teachers,
  • teaching assistants,
  • and other agencies to support the CYP in their academic and personal development.

Support from a Communication and Interaction Specialist Teacher may include: 

  • Classroom observation to inform inclusive practice
  • Providing advice on making adjustments and managing the learning environment
  • Monitoring and reporting the impact of our advice
  • Training and workforce development for school staff, other professionals and parents
  • Supporting school staff to understand an individual CYP’s profile of needs. This helps promote positive aspects of a CYP’s abilities, skills, and behaviours
  • Assisting schools in identifying targeted support and measuring the impact of the support
  • Modelling and supporting the set-up of specific interventions
  • Supporting schools in adapting the curriculum, teaching, and learning. This promotes well-being and success for CYPs
  • Liaison with parents/carers, other professional services and agencies as appropriate
  • Working with individual CYPs as appropriate
  • Contributing to Annual Review meetings and EHCP updates
  • Inputting into SEND plans and multi-agency working through co-production
  • Working with the setting to promote whole-group and individual approaches
  • Providing structured opportunities for social development
  • Promoting an ethos and environment that fosters social inclusion
  • Promoting developing and supporting Independence



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