Physical Disabilities Team
Physical Disabilities Team
The role of the Physical Disabilities (PD) Team is to promote the successful inclusion and progress of children and young people (CYP) with a range of physical disabilities to achieve their personal best, working in partnership with settings, parents and other agencies.
The team offers an advisory service and work term time only.
Who do they support
The PD Team work with CYP with or without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) from early years up to the age of 25. The Specialist Teachers provide support in mainstream settings only and give advice and guidance for CYP who have complex physical needs impacting significantly their gross or fine motor skills.
Examples of conditions where the PD team provide support.
- Cerebral Palsy
- Spina Bifida
- Muscular Dystrophies
- Spinal Trauma
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Functional Neurological Disorder
- Ehlers Danlos
- Mitochondrial Disease
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
What support does the team provide
Support from the PD Team may include:
- explaining the nature of the physical disability and the implications of the condition
- observing the CYP within the setting and speaking with them to collect and understand the upil voice
- providing advice and strategies regarding access to the whole school curriculum so that CYP can achieve their full potential
- identifying strategies that enable independence and empower children and young people
- providing advice to ensure that CYP can access the site as independently and safely as possible
- advising on appropriate equipment, materials and resources to support access and inclusion
- completing assessments to determine if adaptations to the site are required
- coordinating discussions with the School Commissioning Projects Team regarding required adaptations/building works
- advising on appropriate access arrangements for internal and external examinations
- providing advice for High Needs Block Funding (HNBF) requests and/or as part of the needs assessment process for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- contributing to annual reviews of a CYP’s EHCP
- advising on target setting for the CYP (at SEN Support or EHCP level)
- monitoring the progress of CYP towards outcomes
- providing advice to ensure that CYP with PD make a successful transition
- advising on post-16 options including college courses and apprenticeships
Further support
pdnet – a network for those supporting learners with a physical disability
How to refer
Referral is through the Integrated SEND Team, SENCO, Setting or other professionals, for example, therapists.
Referrals can be made with or without a formal diagnosis and should be sent by email to
Contact the PD Team
- 01494 475199