Who can help you?
Last updated:Online
Buckinghamshire Family Information Service (BFIS)
Who you can contact
Early Help Duty
Parents, Carers and professionals can speak to an Information and Outreach Worker. They will be able to support in identifying the best way to get the support needed.
The BFIS duty team can be contacted on 01296 383293.
Family Support Service (FSS) School Link Worker
Every school in Buckinghamshire will have an allocated Family Support Worker within FSS. You can speak to your link worker at any time to discuss any concerns you have, and possible support for children, young people and their families.
If you are unsure of your link worker, please contact the Area Team who will be able to confirm, and ensure you are in contact with them:
Chiltern and South Bucks - newtownfcp@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Aylesbury - southcourtfcp@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Wycombe - mapledeanfcp@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Early Help Partnership forum
The purpose of the Early Help Partnership Forum is to coordinate a response when current support work with a family or child is not affecting positive change. A panel of professionals from a variety of support agencies are on hand to talk through the situation and will make suggestions and offer help. Schools present the child, young person and/or family's needs to a panel to identify the most appropriate support required. These forums run monthly.
For more information please contact ehpartnershipforum@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.
Where parents can go for support
Family Centres
Buckinghamshire has 13 Family Centres and 3 Family Centre Plus' across the county. These deliver universal sessions during the day and youth drop-ins after school. Each Family Centre has a timetable which details the sessions they run.
Find your local Family Centre.
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
SENDIASS provide free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability, for children and young people (aged 0 to 25 years) and their parents/carers.
The service has lots of information online to support parents/carers and young people. They can be contacted directly by families who have questions and/or are seeking support to understand and navigate the SEND system for their child.
The SENDIASS website and contact details should be shared with parents/carers and young people who would like further support.
In addition, SENDIASS recommend the following links to support parents:
Level 2 and Level 3 Support
Level 2 support is short term and is individual and small group targeted. Support can be accessed by completing a support form.
Level 3 Support is targeted whole family support. If a family are experiencing multiple or complex issues and would like to request help from a dedicated family worker then requests can be made by professionals. You must have the full consent of the family.
Alternatively, parents and young people can refer themselves using the multi-agency referral form.
Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
The bucks MHST supports young people who have emotional well-being difficulties. They provide evidence-based therapeutic support on both an individual level and in groups to help young people, parents and carers. Some schools will have access to Mental Health Support Teams who can provide support, the schools that have access are listed on the website.
Voluntary Community Sector - Youth Centres
There are 16 youth centres across the county ensuring their programme is accessible to everyone and offers a safe place for young people to attend. Their aim is to help young people develop their social skills in a fun environment.
Many of these centres are based on our 'close to school' sites' across Buckinghamshire.
Not in Education, Employment or Employment (NEET)
Supporting young people to continue learning
The team within the Family Support Service track young people and encourage them to continue learning after year 11. They can tell schools about support for a student at risk of disengaging, and what your year 11 leavers more on to do next.
Schools can liaise with their Link Worker or Helen Lee CCIS Manager at helen.lee@buckinghamshire.gov.uk.