Key things to consider when developing outcomes
Last updated:Think about the 'Golden Thread'
- There should be a Golden Thread directly through the aspirations, needs, outcomes and provision.
- This can be achieved by thinking about outcomes as steps on the journey toward aspirations.
Outcomes should be holistic
- This will mean that often a multi-agency approach will be required to support the young person to achieve their outcomes.
- The provision section should clearly set out what each agency is doing to achieve the outcome.
Make outcomes SMART
- If SMART is used the purpose of the outcome will be clear. Everyone will know when the outcomes should be achieved, and when it has been achieved.
Outcomes must be person-centred
- They should be specific to the young person and expressed from a personal perspective, not a service one.
Outcomes are not provision
Don't mix outcomes and provision with each other. Provision is what must be provided to meet a young person's needs, and enable the outcomes to be achieved.
Outcomes should support aspirations and set high expectations
- In order to develop aspirations for life young people and their families need opportunities to find out what is possible, and what type of support would help them achieve their aspirations.
- This includes learning from young people and their families about what has worked for them.
- They should build on what is working well and address what is not working well for them.
Supported by cultural change
- Changes in ways of working, relationships and different conversations are needed.
- Provide advice, training and coaching that support the development of outcomes.
- Develop guidance notes and tools that help staff develop clear, person-centred approaches which lead to positive outcomes.
- Support the young person and their family to be central to the development of the outcome.
- The outcome must be shared (by the young person, their family and professionals). To do this they need to be developed using a person-centred approach.
Make use of existing resources
- Resources and materials should be shared to support the development of outcomes. Start with the SEND Code of Practice, chapter 9.
- Make use of other resources developed nationally and locally. Section 5 includes some further resources you can use.