
Example of the Golden Thread

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Here is an example of how the 4 areas can be completed. For this example, the young person is called Rebekah who is 17 years old. 


  • Rebekah wants to get a paid job in a hairdresser salon when she leaves education. 


  • Rebekah has severe learning difficulties, which affect all areas of her learning, including literacy and numeracy. 
  • She has receptive and expressive communication difficulties. She struggles to understand 2 sentence instructions. Strangers also find it challenging to understand what she is saying. 
  • Rebekah has a left-hemiplegia and has difficulty with fine motor skills. 


By the time she is 18, Rebekah will: 

  • Had experience of work, including work at a local hairdressers. 
  • Be able to read everyday signs in the community. 
  • Understand keywords in the workplace. 


Sen Provision

  • Supported internship programme which includes:
    • independent travel training
    • functional literacy and numeracy 
    • work experience at a local hairdresser
  • An allocated job coach providing Rebekah with support and advice for a vocation profile, on the job training and access to work. 
  • Twice termly a (SALT) will advise staff on a communication passport for Rebekah that will transfer with her to college. 

Health Provision

  • Once a term, the Occupational Therapist will advise the college, Rebekah and her family about how to manager her Hemiplegia and increase her function. 
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