A-Z Listing
Basic Tree Survey and Inspection (Tree Safety for Non Tree Experts)
This course aims to provide specific tree survey and inspection training at a basic level to allow identification of obvious defects from ground level and then to report their findings to a line manager. Suitable for - anyone who has responsibility for inspecting trees on their site. Refresher training required? - it is recommended that this course is refreshed every three years Course dates 2024/2025 Please click on the link below to book directly. Venue details can be found within…
BASL aims to : provide advice, support and professional development for school leaders maintain and promote awareness of developments in school leadership act as an advocate for the needs of school leaders, both locally and nationally Eligibility for BASL membership All schools, whether you are in Buckinghamshire or not, are entitled to subscribe to membership of the Academy. Fees are invoiced at the start of the academic year. Only Buckinghamshire headteachers are ab…
BASL Annual Conference
BASL Conference 2024 The Buckinghamshire Academy of School Leadership (BASL), in partnership with Buckinghamshire Council, are pleased to present the 2024 Annual BASL Conference for School Leaders, to be held at the Crowne Plaza, Stratford-Upon-Avon on Thursday 21 st and Friday 22 nd March 2024. This is an opportunity to hear inspirational guest speakers, network with fellow Headteachers, both primary and secondary and to visit an exhibition of companies and teams that supply and support…
Behaviour & Wellbeing
These pages contain advice, guidance template letters and much more around pupil wellbeing, welfare and behaviour issues.
Behaviour and pupil welfare
For information on background, local and DfE guidance for Statutory and Non-Statutory documents please click on any of the topic areas above.
Behaviour policy
Applies to: Maintained Schools Academies Free Schools Pupil Referral Units Independent Schools Non-Maintained Special Schools Background The headteacher must decide the standard of behaviour of pupils and set out measures in the behaviour policy. These take account of any guidance or notification provided by the governing board. The headteacher must publicise the school behaviour policy, in writing, to staff, parents and pupils at least once a year. Strategie…
Behaviour principles
Applies to Maintained Schools Pupil Referral Units Non-Maintained Special Schools Background From time to time the governing board must make and review a written statement of general principles to which the headteacher is to have regard in determining the behaviour policy of the school. Review frequency Governing board free to determine. Approval Full governing board or a committee of the governing board. Legislation Education and Inspections Act 2006: Sec…
BESST Governor Training
Welcome to BESST – Buckinghamshire Education School Support & Training. BESST is the new traded school improvement and governor services arm of Buckinghamshire Council. We provide support, training and development opportunities to schools and academies across Buckinghamshire in school leadership and governance. Led by our experienced team, BESST services will enable school leaders to keep up to date and support the implementation of best practice across Buckinghamshire. Our services will…
Breast ironing
Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board Guidance What is breast ironing? Breast ironing is practiced in all ten regions of Cameroon and has been reported in Benin, Ivory Coast, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Togo, Zimbabwe and Guinea-Conakry. The charity CAWODIGO – CAME Women and Girls is concerned that African immigrants have brought breast ironing practice with them to the UK. In their efforts to reduce the number of affected girls and women, CAME provides training for Cameroonian orga…
Buckinghamshire education standards report
The Education Standards Report is produced every year and placed before the Council Cabinet and the Children's Social Care and Learning Select Committee. The latest report is available below: Summary Report Detail Report
Buckinghamshire Healthy Schools Award
Buckinghamshire Public Health is delighted to offer all state-funded primary, secondary and special schools access to an online self-evaluation toolkit, leading to Buckinghamshire Healthy Schools status. This funded offer is available from June 2022 until March 2025. On completion of the award, schools will receive a certificate and validation of Buckinghamshire Healthy Schools status for 3 years. Buckinghamshire Healthy Schools is a whole school, whole systems approach to health and well…
Buckinghamshire School Awards 2025 Privacy Policy
This privacy notice explains how Buckinghamshire Council (the data controller) will use the personal information we collect about you if you: nominate an individual/team/school for a Buckinghamshire School Award ('nominator'). are nominated either as an individual or part of a team for a Buckinghamshire School Award ('nominee'). Information held about you - nominators We will hold the following information on you: your name and email address any information or evidenc…
Bucks New Governors Guide
Read the Bucks New Governors Guide
The JRSO Bulletins are grouped in themes, so you can download a bulletin to suit the needs of your school and what’s going on at the time.
Bullying Guidance
Background Every school must have measures in place to prevent all forms of bullying. Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 provides that maintained schools must have measures to encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils. These measures should be part of the school’s behaviour policy which must be communicated to all pupils, school staff and parents. The Independent School Standards Regulations 2010 provides that the proprietor of an Acade…
Bullying Toolkit
The NSPCC website provides advice and guidance on a range of subject areas including bullying. Peer-on-peer abuse toolkit Peer-on-peer abuse is any form of physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse, and coercive control, exercised between children and within children's relationships (both intimate and non-intimate). The Safeguarding Unit at Farrer & Co has produced the attached template peer-on-peer abuse policy (template policy), which encapsulates a Contextual Safeguarding app…