
A-Z Listing



Children and Young People with Educational Health Care Plans for Speech, Language and Communication Disorders. The work is with primary and secondary age pupils in mainstream settings. We can provide support as needed, which may include: Assessment of educational needs Classroom observation to inform inclusive practice Monitoring and recording progress Advice on classroom management strategies Advice on managing the learning environment Support to ensure access the Curri…

Language Teaching Support

Children and Young People with Educational Health Care Plans for Speech, Language and Communication Disorders. The work is with primary and secondary age pupils in mainstream settings. We can provide support as needed, which may include: Assessment of educational needs Classroom observation to inform inclusive practice Monitoring and recording progress Advice on classroom management strategies Advice on managing the learning environment Support to ensure access the Curri…

Language: The Story Hand

This training offers a brief introduction to the MH issues often seen by professionals in front line work with CYP. It highlights risk issues and local and national resources. It is primarily an information giving session designed to help staff identify mental health issues and appropriate help for children, young people and their families. Outcome: Gain an understanding of the most common mental health issues which may affect children and young people, including those with social w…

Leadership Development

Leadership Development Workshops 2023 - 2024 The 2023- 24 programme of Leadership Development Workshops offers Senior Leaders and staff the opportunity to hear from nationally recognised speakers on topics of current interest such as well-being, staff development, inspired learning and effective leadership. These subjects and speakers are suggested by Buckinghamshire Headteachers and are appropriate for all members of SLT. There is also the opportunity to network with colleagues at face-t…

Learning outside the classroom

High Quality Outdoor Learning The benefits of working in the outdoor environment is outlined in this guidance document which has been written to help you evaluate and then set about improving, or further improving, the quality of outdoor learning. Ten key outcomes of outdoor learning have been identified with a range of indicators attributed to each one. These indicators can be used to support any improvement work, which will often be enhanced by working closely with partners. If you w…

Learning to drive

A provisional driving license (vocational) is required to drive vehicles in the following categories: Passenger Carrying Vehicle with 9 or more passenger seats (Category D) Passenger Carrying Vehicle with 9 to 16 passenger seats (Minibuses) (Category D1) Large Goods Vehicle with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes. (Category C) Large Goods Vehicle with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, but not exceeding 7.5 tonnes (Category C1) Driving license re…

Legionella Training

This Legionella course aims to assist duty holders to understand their legal responsibilities, and the health risks created by legionella bacteria, the control measures to reduce risks associated with Legionella Bacteria and support compliance with the L8 Approved Code of Practice (The control of legionella bacteria in water systems) This course will provide basic training in managing and controlling water supplies in the school and explain the premises Legionella log book. Suitable for -…

Lessons Learnt conference

Please find below the presentation from Marc Rowland and the links to the recordings from the Buckinghamshire Challenge Conference, Friday 1st October 2021: Session 1 - Lessons learnt, culture, curriculum & assessment. Part 1 - Part 2 - Below is a message from Marc: Thank you so much for joining Friday’s session. This is the s…

Lettings - child protection

Developed to advise and assist Governing Boards in relation to child protection whilst letting school premises. Buckinghamshire Council has a corporate Lettings Policy and this guidance is intended to be compliant with that policy. Background Review: Annual review for Schools Financial Value Standard Local Guidance Lettings – School Guidance (Download)

Level 1 Universal Needs

Universal services can be accessed by all families in Buckinghamshire. There is no need for a referral. The Buckinghamshire Family Information Service Our website provides information and advice on a range of topics: Childcare and Early Years Local Offer for SEND Things to Do Education and Learning Advice and Support Youthspace Family Centre support The directory sign posts to local services who can help, local activities, childcare, and things to…

Level 3 Comprehensive Support: Family Support Service

We offer more focused support to families for up to 6 months if they are experiencing multiple or complex issues. We work with the family and alongside other relevant agencies to support the family through a coordinated family plan with clear, agreed objectives. Examples of the issues we may support families and children with include: Excluded from school or having difficulties engaging with education Currently or at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Train…

LGBT Resources

More and more schools are taking steps to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) young people feel welcome and included. Find out how you can help make your school, college, or setting more LGBTQ inclusive by visiting the Stonewall Schools and Colleges Website Visit our Equalities Gender and Sexual Orientation Page for more Information and Guidance.

Literacy Conference Dec 2021

Sticks and Stones may Break your Bones but Words Can Really Change You We were extremely pleased to welcome Matt Bromley to lead this conference. Topics covered were: The principles of effective curriculum design How to use the curriculum to tackle social justice issues How to build cultural capital through disciplinary literacy The importance of curriculum continuity and collaborative planning The features of effective primary-to-secondary transition How to close the ga…

Literacy Governor

Primary school governing boards are encouraged to appoint a Literacy Governor to take an interest in literacy in the school and to offer a source of support and challenge. The precise responsibilities of the Literacy Governor need to be agreed by the governing board and so will vary from school to school. This advice is designed to provide a framework for that role. Why do we need a literacy governor? The governing board is responsible for the strategic direction of the school, including…

Local Area SEND Improvement Work

In Buckinghamshire we are ambitious to continuously improve the support we provide to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. Local SEND improvement information on our Local Offer website

Local Area SEND Inspection

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) is best known for inspecting schools and colleges but they are now working with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to find out how well young people’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are being met in the area where they live. Ofsted inspects schools and colleges and the CQC look at health services such as hospitals and care homes. In the SEND Local Area Inspections, they ensure between them that im…

Local Area SEND Strategy archive

2017 to 2020 This SEND Strategy was approved by Cabinet at the meeting in February 2017. SEND Strategy 2017 to 2020 SEND Strategy created by young people for young people Past updates March 2020 update Over the past few months, the council has been listening to children and young people, their parents, carers and families, to understand their needs and aspirations for the future. They've also worked with professionals from health services, education, social care and the volunt…

Local Authority Management Information Strategy

The Buckinghamshire Schools - Local Authority (LA) Management Information Strategy has been updated on a number of occasions since it was first published. The Management Information Strategy's main aim was, and still is, to set out the key principles and practical steps needed in order to strengthen the use of data and the access to information needed in both schools and the Local Authority to fulfil their respective responsibilities. The revised version focuses on those areas of the Strategy t…

Local learning area

Schools are encouraged to develop a Local Learning Area within easy walking distance from the school grounds. Visits/activities within the ‘Local Learning Area’ that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during normal school hours follow the same pre agreed operating procedures. These visits or activities would: Not require parental consent Involve substantially less planning/notice to take place Not normally need additional risk assessments other than following…

Local Offer

Buckinghamshire’s ‘Graduated Approach’ to early SEN support Buckinghamshire has just launched its Graduated Approach to SEND which sets out a clear step by step plan of action and intervention for all children and young people with a special educational need or disability. What is the Graduated Approach? The Graduated Approach has been introduced in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2015) and the principle of Early Support. It aims to ensure all children and young people with an SEND…

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